The holiday season has come and gone for another year. During this time, many Georgia residents spent time with their family and friends and gave thanks for all the joys in their life. While there is certainly a lot to be thankful for, many Georgia residents also face...
Defending And Empowering The Disabled Since 1993
Year: 2015
How does a veteran appeal an unfavorable benefits decision?
Everyone makes mistakes from time to time. When these mistakes impact Georgia residents, it is important that things be set straight and the mistakes are corrected when possible. In the legal system, individuals who have been denied relief typically have the ability...
Veteran receives disability benefits after fighting
Many Georgia residents recently celebrated another Thanksgiving, where they expressed their gratitude for their loved ones, among other things. Many individuals undoubtedly gave thanks for those who serve, especially those who have sacrificed life and limb in their...
Eligibility for SSD benefits can depend on work ability
Over the course of several years, Georgia residents often become experts in their particular field of employment. After all, nobody knows better about a certain job than the person who performs it on a day to day basis. And yet, when it comes to a person's eligibility...
Can the SSA find a person not disabled based on other work?
Georgia residents often spend a lifetime building up their career. As discussed last week in this blog, this work can not only play an important part of an individual's life as a general matter, but also when it comes to Social Security disability benefits, as the...
How does a person’s past work impact whether they are disabled?
One of the most significant parts of Georgia residents' lives is their career. Individuals often place a great deal of importance on their jobs, and the same is true with respect to the Social Security Administration when a person has an inability to work and applies...
What does the SSA consider in reviewing a disability application?
When Georgia residents make important decisions in their lives, there are often a number of factors that must be considered. Certain factors can weigh in favor of one course of action, while other factors might weigh in favor of the opposite decision. The legal system...
Disabled? Do not wait before filing application for benefits
In Georgia residents' daily lives, timing can be very important. With work, family events and other personal circumstances, individuals lead very busy lives. Timing can be very important in the legal system as well. When individuals file claims for Social Security...
Has your right to disability benefits been violated?
Georgia residents have disagreements with one another from time to time. While this is perfectly natural, the disagreements can have dramatic impacts on individuals when their rights are in the hands of another person who disagrees with them. For instance, when it...
Correcting mistakes with SSD benefits
From time to time, people make mistakes. Everyone is human, after all, which means errors are bound to happen on occasion. The important thing is for those mistakes to be corrected, particularly when the mistakes have a serious impact on the lives of other Georgia...