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Some of the signs and symptoms of liver disease

On Behalf of | Mar 9, 2017 | Social Security Disability Benefits For Illnesses

The liver is a large organ located just underneath the rib cage on the right side of the abdomen. As many people in Fayetteville, Georgia, already know, the liver’s main function is to assist in the digestion of food and the elimination of certain toxic substances from the body. If a person’s liver is not functioning correctly, it can cause many serious signs and symptoms. The person’s ability to do everyday tasks may be limited if they experience liver problems. This blog post will discuss liver disease and some of the ways it could impact people. For more specific information, a doctor’s advice should be sought.

What are some of the signs and symptoms of liver disease? The best known sign is probably jaundice, which simply means a condition where the eyes and skin appear to have a yellow tint. There may also be itchy skin, chronic fatigue, vomiting or nausea, a tendency to bruise easily, pain and swelling in the abdomen, loss of appetite, and discolored stool or dark-colored urine. There may be other signs and symptoms as well.

People should schedule an appointment with a doctor if any of these signs or symptoms cause concern. Some of the liver conditions that could cause these signs and symptoms include hepatitis and primary biliary cirrhosis.

What if a liver condition is interfering with a person’s ability to earn a living? Depending on the circumstances, the sufferer may be eligible for Social Security disability benefits for illness. This compensation may be available even for those individuals who already receive, or may be eligible to receive, long-term disability or employment-based retirement benefits. However, to successfully claim SSD benefits, claimants must prove that they meet the Social Security Administration’s definition of “disabled.” This is oftentimes a challenging process, which is why qualified attorneys stand ready to help those who want assistance.

Source: Mayo Clinic, “Liver disease,” accessed on March 5, 2017


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