On many occasions in Georgia residents’ lives, individuals have to pass certain tests and qualifications in order to reach a goal. Whether it is in school, at work, in getting a driver’s license or in many other areas of life, the qualifications exist to make sure the person is able to achieve the goal.
When it comes to Social Security disability benefits for illnesses, there are also certain qualifications that apply before a person can be considered to have a disability. This is important because the person must be considered disabled in order to receive benefits.
There are different ways in which a person can be considered disabled. First, the Social Security Administration keeps a Listing of Medical Impairments, which is also known as the blue book. If a person has an impairment that is listed in the blue book, the person will automatically be qualified for benefits.
The list includes impairments including neurological disorders, like Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis, as well as blood disorders like sickle cell disease or hemophilia. The list also includes mental disorders like depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, autism or an intellectual disability. Immune system disorders like HIV/AIDS, lupus and kidney disease are covered under a separate category.
There are still more conditions covered under other categories, like respiratory illnesses such as asthma and cystic fibrosis, and cardiovascular conditions like chronic heart failure. Other categories included in the blue book are musculoskeletal issues, senses and speech issues and digestive tract problems, Accordingly, the impairments are listed by bodily system or function.
There are slight differences in the list for children under the age of 18. For instance, growth impairment is covered for children, while it is not covered for adults. Ultimately, individuals can review the impairments listed in the blue book to determine whether they are automatically qualified as disabled and entitled to receive disability benefits.
Source: Findlaw, “Medical conditions that qualify you for disability claims,” accessed on Feb. 23, 2015