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What makes a veteran eligible for disability compensation?

On Behalf of | May 13, 2015 | Veterans' Issues

Many Georgia residents value their independence, including their personal freedoms and their financial independence. At the same time, it is important for individuals to understand the options that exist for making them more independent.

For instance, individuals may be entitled to receive certain benefits and financial assistance, which can be vital to helping pay the bills. Veterans in particular should understand what options they have after providing service to their country. Last week, for example, this blog discussed some of the benefits available for benefits who have suffered injuries during the course of their service.

One key benefit may be available after filing a veterans’ disability claim. Once approved, veterans can receive a tax-free monthly benefit.

In order to be eligible for disability compensation, veterans must be able to show they have a current physical or mental disability. In addition, the injury or disease must have been either suffered during their service, or the service must have aggravated an existing injury or disease. Finally, the veteran must establish a connection between the current disability and the injury or disease suffered while the veteran was serving.

There are a number of documents that are relevant to a claim for disability compensation. Discharge or separation papers, including the DD-214 or its equivalent, are typically submitted with the claim. In addition, the veteran may submit service treatment records or other supporting documentation. Finally, the veteran may also have medical records from private providers, which can establish the extent of the injury or disease. Ultimately, this documentation can be used to support the claim and provide evidence showing the need for benefits.

Source: United States Department of Veterans Affairs, “Disability compensation,” accessed on May 8, 2015


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