Heart disease can be a serious daily concern for sufferers. When heart disease interferes with the sufferer’s ability work and earn a living to support themselves and their families, Social Security disability (SSD) benefits may be available to help. Heart conditions are included among the illnesses that Social Security disability benefits may be available for. The Social Security Administration (SSA) includes disorders that impact the proper functioning of the heart or circulatory system as heart conditions disability benefits may be available for.
It is helpful to be aware of what the SSA considers when evaluating a medical condition such as heart disease for benefits. The SSA focuses on symptoms, signs, laboratory findings, responsiveness to prescribed treatment and functional limitations when evaluating disability claims for heart conditions.
The heart condition can be congenital or acquired to receive benefits. Cardiovascular impairment results from either one, or up to four, consequences of heart disease listed by the Social Security Administration.
In addition to meeting requirements for a physical or mental medical condition, such as heart disease, to qualify for Social Security disability benefits, the applicant must also meet work history requirements to qualify for SSD benefits. The medical condition must also be severe enough to prevent them from working and expected to last 12 months or longer or result in death.
The daily struggles associated with having a disease or chronic illness can be challenging enough without having to worry about basic expenses. Social Security disability benefits are available to assist disabled individuals struggling with these and others concerns and is an option for them to be familiar with.
Source: Social Security Administration, “Disability Evaluation Under Social Security, 4.00 Cardiovascular System – Adult,” Accessed Oct. 11, 2017