At a time when a lot of media attention has been focused on the lengthy wait times that Social Security Disability claimants are experiencing in Georgia and across the country, it is not surprising that many applicants may be wondering what they can do. The answer is, at the moment, there is not much that a claimant can do to speed up the SSD benefits process. But the assistance of a seasoned lawyer can help to prevent further delays.
When you have been injured, are unable to work and are relying on SSDI to make up for some of the financial hardships you may be experiencing, stories about the thousands of people who have died waiting for a benefits determination are not encouraging. The delays in the SSDI programs have been caused by a growing number of claimants combined with a lack of budget for the personnel and technology that the SSDI program needs to serve them appropriately.
What this has meant is a wait time of three to six months for an initial benefits determination. Then, if a claim is denied or a hearing is required, the wait time for that means it could be another two years will pass before a determination can be made. A lack of consistency between determinations means that what conditions will be approved for benefits cannot be reliably predicted.
An experienced Social Security Disability attorney, like those at Rogers, Hofrichter & Karrh, can help to ensure that the initial claim is filled out and filed properly with all the necessary documentation for the disability. This will not improve the time for the initial determination, but it will help to ensure that the application is not denied or delayed due to a technical or evidentiary mistake. If a hearing is ultimately necessary, the Government Accountability Office has found that claimants who appear with a representative – like a lawyer – are three times as likely to prevail as those who do not. Visit our website’s Social Security Disability page to learn more.