When you suffer a disabling injury or illness that significantly affects your ability to work, you need access to critical benefits as soon as possible. Yet, the process to apply for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits can be complex, time-consuming and frustrating.
Lack of sufficient medical proof can lead to the denial of your claim through the Social Security Administration (SSA). As one of the most important parts of the application process, gathering a thorough account of your medical information dating back to the onset of your disability can boost your chances of submitting a successful claim and receiving the benefits you need.
What the SSA requires for medical proof
The SSA requires you to submit medical evidence showing in detail that you have an impairment and the extent of it affects your ability to work. While the SSA lists many impairments, both physical and mental, that qualify for SSDI benefits, you must provide extensive medical proof to support your claim.
Typically, records dating back to the very beginning of your impairment can be helpful in proving the full extent of your disability. Work with your Georgia medical professionals to obtain medical records that detail your:
- Medical history, including family medical history
- Your diagnosis
- Clinical findings or lab results
- Treatments
- Prescribed medications
You may also consider including the written opinions of the medical professionals who have treated you since the start of your disability in your application. Including the opinions of professionals like your primary care physician or a specialist can help to support the information throughout your medical records.
The importance of being thorough
In your rush to submit your claim and get access to needed benefits, you may fail to submit comprehensive medical proof detailing the extent of your disability. This can result in a denied claim and a potentially lengthy appeals process.
If the SSA denies your claim, you still have options. Because the SSA denies many first-time claims, you can appeal the decision to potentially submit further evidence of your disability and request a second look at your claim to overturn the original decision. An attorney well-versed in SSDI claims can assist in preparing you for the appeals process to strengthen your chances of receiving the benefits you deserve.