For individuals who have a disability, health care coverage is often a primary concern because these conditions are usually costly. You might have private health care coverage through a former employer, but this might be cost-prohibitive because of the reduction or cessation of income that comes when you become unable to work. Because the application process is so lengthy for Social Security Disability insurance, you might be wondering what you’re supposed to do about medical insurance.
There are a few ways that you might be able to handle this conundrum. One of these is to go to the Marketplace and fill out the forms to determine whether you qualify for Medicaid or not. If you do, this will provide you with medical care coverage. If you don’t, you’ll be presented with your options, which might include lower-cost plans because of the size of your household and income.
When your SSDI application is approved, you embark upon a 24-month waiting period for Medicare. The only exception to this is if you’re already receiving Medicare. In that case, your coverage will continue. If you had private insurance through the Marketplace, you can continue that after you get Medicare; however, you won’t qualify for any savings or tax credits once your Medicare is active.
If you qualify for Medicaid, you may still qualify for it once your waiting period is up for Medicare. This can help you to get the medical care that you need on a continuous basis. Remember, the first step toward Medicare coverage when you are disabled is to file an application for disability. Once you do this, you may have more work to do because of denials and appeals, but each step might put you closer to the benefits you need.