Defending And Empowering The Disabled Since 1993

Georgia firm fighting for those with mental health conditions

On Behalf of | Feb 24, 2017 | Long-Term Disability

A few weeks ago on the blog we discussed how individuals who suffer from mental illnesses can qualify for Social Security disability benefits. Although the Social Security Administration recognizes a number of mental illnesses, an individual must prove that he or she meets federal requirements before SSD benefits will be granted. Failing to do so will result in a denied claim, which could leave a disabled individual struggling financially, especially when their condition has left them unable to work. For this reason, those who suffer from some kind of mental condition need to consider how to present the best possible claim for initial inspection. And those who have had a claim denied need to know how to regroup and present stronger evidence for their appeal.

This is why the legal professionals at Rogers Hofrichter & Karrh LLC diligently work to uncover evidence that supports their clients’ claims. Our attorneys know what kind of medical evidence the SSA is looking for when making an adjudication, so they aggressively seek out medical test results and physician testimony. Our team can also help those suffering from a disability better assess what they need to do in order to strengthen their claim. This could include seeking out additional medical treatment, gathering more documentation or seeking a second opinion from another doctor.

Yet, proving the existence of one’s medical condition is not enough to qualify for SSD benefits, which is why our firm also addresses issues related to a disabled individual’s work history. Without properly addressing this, mental health disorder sufferers may be at risk of losing much needed compensation.

For many Georgians, a disabling condition can spell the end of their financial independence. But this doesn’t have to be the case. Instead, competent legal professionals stand at the ready to help these individuals seek out the compensation to which they may be entitled.


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