Although humans are blessed with many senses, it is the sense of sight that is the dominant one for most of our societal constructs, including most forms of work. Sight is necessary for many jobs for safety and other reasons. People who cannot see may struggle to...
Defending And Empowering The Disabled Since 1993
Month: April 2020
You can appeal a denied Social Security Disability claim
If you have received a denial notice following your claim for Social Security Disability (SSD), try not to take it personally. In most cases, these claims are denied during the earliest stages of filing for benefits. You have a legal right to appeal denied claims, but...
Understanding a technical SSDI denial
You can get denied for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits for a lot of different reasons. It’s often frustrating and perhaps a bit confusing. You know you can’t work. You know you need benefits. How hard can it be to get someone else to see that? One...
Medical evidence is required for SSDI
The Social Security Administration (SSA) will not take you at your word on any part of your Social Security Disability (SSDI) case. When you make your claim and attempt to get needed benefits, they want to see medical evidence backing up everything that you’re telling...
A broad range of conditions can qualify for SSDI benefits
The Social Security Administration (SSA) has to make very difficult decisions regarding what people qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits and what people do not. There are guidelines that help the SSA reach a conclusion about whether...
Is your spinal cord injury enough to get disability? It might be
When you’re involved in a serious accident and end up suffering a disability, it can throw your entire life into a tailspin. You may not be sure how you’re going to support yourself or what you’ll be able to do in the future. A spinal cord injury could help you...
The role of an administrative law judge in an SSDI appeal
The process of applying for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is fraught with potential pitfalls. A significant number of applicants with truly debilitating medical conditions will learn after they initially apply that the Social Security Administration...
What happens when you apply for disability?
Applying for disability benefits is a long process for most people. The exception to this is if you have a condition that qualifies for rapid processing, which is known as the Compassionate Allowances program. You have the option of submitting your application over...
Do you deserve back paid social security benefits?
You have been in a position to file for Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits for a while. So, you did put in your application. Unfortunately, it was not approved on your first attempt. Now, you’re thinking about applying again, but you know that the wait could be...
Can you get SSDI if you can eventually work again?
When people first consider Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), they often assume that it is only for those with permanent injuries that keep them from ever working again. A person who was involved in a serious fall accident while working at heights may break...