Social security disability is a federal program that's creation was conceived with the purpose of supporting those who cannot support themselves. When someone receives a social security disability award, it is generally a set amount that cannot be changed without...
Defending And Empowering The Disabled Since 1993
Month: January 2017
Work accident injury could qualify for social security disability
There are so many Fayetteville workers that are upstanding and responsible workers. Many work full or part-time for years without having any incident or injury. Meanwhile, every worker pays a portion of their earnings into federally obligated social security. However,...
President-elect hints at privatization of veterans’ healthcare
Those that have served our country have often made immense sacrifice. The sacrifices made by our military, both current and retired, could be time away from family or even sacrifices of health or well-being. This is a huge reason why military members and veterans are...
Mental health can qualify for SSDI benefits for illness
Mental health diagnoses and treatment has come a long way in the last several decades. There was once a time when mental health issues were not even considered a medical illness. Thankfully, today there are medical diagnoses and treatments that can aid those suffering...