Being diagnosed with a serious illness or condition in Georgia can be devastating. In fact, for many individuals, it can be devastating. The diagnosis of the illness itself can be upsetting; however, going through the treatment process for the medical condition can be very overwhelming. Whether one is going through major medical treatments or is taking medications to manage the condition, the situation can be very financially challenging. This is especially true for those unable to work because of the disabling illness.
Whether one has been dealing with an ongoing and progressive illness or was suddenly diagnosed with one, it is important to understand how to navigate the situation. The Social Security Administration designed the Social Security Disability (SSD) program to help those living with a disabling condition and is unable to make a livable income because of it. However, our law firm understands that it is not easy to initiate the application process, especially when many initial applications are denied.
Even if one is denied after applying for SSD benefits, it is still possible to obtain them. At Rogers, Hofrichter & Karrh, LLC, our attorneys can help one seek reconsideration or file an appeal. We will take the time to understand why one was denied, helping our clients obtain the necessary documentation and evidence needed to prove eligibility. And for those filing an initial application, our law firm takes the time to help our clients ensure that everything is filled out properly and documentation is included. This could make ones initial application more successful.
To learn more, check out our law firm’s Social Security Disability benefits for illnesses website. No matter the severity of the condition or the length of time one has had it, if one is living with a disability and unable to work because of it, SSD benefits may be available.