When you’re suffering from a chronic, disabling condition, you probably often feel like it’s not the disease but the symptoms that really wear you down. Chronic pain and severe fatigue are two of the most commonly reported symptoms of those with enduring medical...
Defending And Empowering The Disabled Since 1993
Year: 2022
Can people qualify for SSDI benefits because they have diabetes?
Diabetes has become one of the most common chronic medical conditions in the United States. Although type 1 diabetes remains relatively rare, type 2 diabetes affects a significant portion of the population, particularly older adults and those in the later stages of...
Is cancer a qualifying disability for SSDI benefits?
For an adult to qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits, their medical condition typically needs to meet two specific standards. The first is that it must be so severe that it prevents them from any sort of gainful employment. The second is...
Are you ready to request an SSDI reconsideration?
You make contributions to Social Security with each paycheck, but you probably know very little about the benefits programs. Most people hope to never need benefits other than retirement payments, as Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits are only...
Do migraines and seizures qualify for SSDI benefits?
People who have not ever experienced a migraine often fail to understand how debilitating migraines can be. Although people may better understand how frightening and concerning a seizure can be to experience, people don't understand how many medical restrictions a...
How long must you work to qualify for SSDI benefits?
Only those who have worked for years and who have serious medical issues will typically qualify for federal disability benefits. There are a lot of rules that apply to Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits. The average person doesn't need to know these...
What are the main steps in the SSDI appeals process?
When you are living with a health condition that has left you with a disability, you may be ready to seek out the benefits you’ve earned from the government. Like many, you may have your Social Security Disability Insurance claim denied the first time you apply. If...
What categories of disabilities qualify for SSDI benefits?
If you're facing a disability and looking into Social Security disability benefits, the first thing you need to know is if your condition qualifies. The simple fact that you can no longer return to work is a good place to start this process, but the government is...
Gathering evidence is key to a successful SSDI appeal
The Social Security Administration (SSA) has the difficult jobs of tracking Social Security payroll contributions, maintaining employee records and handling disability and retirement benefits claims. The average worker who has made a lifetime of contributions to the...
High-earning professionals face challenges with disability claims
Many companies that employ skilled and educated professionals like physicians and accountants offer supplementary insurance as an employment benefit. Some employers offer comprehensive health insurance coverage, while others provide long-term disability benefits. Such...