Were You Or A Loved One Injured By The Flu Vaccine?
Every winter influenza, or the flu as it is more commonly known, affects hundreds of thousands of people across the United States. In an effort to prevent the spread of the flu, public health officials encourage people to get a flu shot or vaccine. When the vaccine works as intended, individuals develop antibodies to specific strains of the virus and are effectively inoculated from contracting the flu.
Given the known benefits of the flu vaccine, each year, millions of people in the U.S. choose to get a flu shot. While the vast majority of these people only experience very minor side effects, some develop severe allergic reactions or worse.
At Rogers, Hofrichter & Karrh, LLC, we help individuals who suffer injuries and harm as a result of obtaining the flu shot. Our attorneys can represent you and your best interests in your claim to obtain compensation via the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program.
Adverse Side Effects Of The Flu Vaccine
Common side effects to the flu vaccine include mild redness and soreness at the injection site and a low-grade fever. However, in rare cases, an individual may experience more severe and even life-threatening side effects, including:
- Anaphylaxis — Dizziness, hives, difficulty breathing and increased heart rate
- Guillain-Barre Syndrome — Weakness, severe pains, high blood pressure, paralysis and death
- Transverse Myelitis — Sharp shooting body pains, burning and cold sensations, muscle weakness and incontinence
- Devic’s disease — Eye pain, weakness and numbness in extreme ties, paralysis and blindness
- Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM) — Weakness, fever, inflammation in and damage to brain and spinal cord
If you, your child or a loved one experienced adverse side effects after receiving the flu vaccine, it is important to reach out to an attorney who handles vaccine injury claims.
Recover Compensation For Flu Vaccine Injuries
Unlike traditional personal injury lawsuits, where a specific party is named as causing or contributing to an individual’s injuries, legal disputes related to influenza or other vaccine injuries are decided on a no-fault basis and claims must be filed with the United States Court of Federal Claims in Washington D.C.
If your claim for compensation is successful, all attorney fees are paid separately by the court and at no cost to you. Speak to a lawyer at our firm today to discuss your injuries and options today. Call our offices in Fayetteville, Atlanta or Cartersville, Georgia, at 770-884-6705, or contact us online.