Workers’ Compensation Benefits For Back Neck Injuries
Back and neck injuries can make for difficult disability claims. In most instances, the damage is not outwardly visible. The extent of injury cannot be immediately known. Flare-ups or re-injury can keep you off the job for months.
Employers and their insurers, on the other hand, want a confirmed diagnosis, a defined course of treatment, and a timetable for returning to work. They are skeptical of back injury claims, especially if your ailment lingers on.
The experienced attorneys of Rogers, Hofrichter & Karrh are extensively familiar with back injury and neck injury claims and your rights under Georgia workers’ compensation laws. We represent victims of workplace accidents and work-related injuries in Metro Atlanta and statewide. Contact us today for a free consultation.
Back, Neck or Spinal Injury
Back injuries are the largest category of workers’ compensation claims. We commonly represent construction workers, nurses, warehouse employees and others whose jobs involve lifting, bending, twisting or greater risk of falls or falling objects.
Rogers, Hofrichter & Karrh is committed to securing your full medical and wage benefits or fair settlements for permanent disability. We advocate for clients whose claims have been turned down or who are pressured to return to work before they are healed. We have handled a wide range of cases:
- Herniated disc (bulging disc or slipped disc)
- Fractured vertebrae
- Back strains and neck sprains
- Lower back pain or pinched nerves
- Spinal cord injury or nerve damage
Insurance companies often deny coverage for surgical solutions or force people to receive treatment from doctors who do not have their best interests at heart. We advocate for our clients to ensure they are getting proper care, including necessary surgical intervention such as fusion surgery, laminectomy or discectomy. We also coordinate related claims for long-term disability insurance or Social Security disability.
We understand how painful and debilitating a back injury or cervical injury can be. We work to maximize your benefits and ensure you have the opportunity to heal without fear of losing your job. Call our Atlanta workers comp lawyers at CALL for a free case evaluation.